Netta Ben Zeev

Netta Ben Zeev is a Speech Language Pathologist specializing in AAC with 35 years’ experience. She worked at a rehabilitation kindergarten and at a special education school for children with cerebral palsy and other severe motor disabilities. Netta served as an instructor for university students in the field of communication disorders. Now she is working in her private clinic. As a volunteer for ISAAC Israel, part of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Netta Ben Zeev participated in drafting laws and regulations pertaining to accessibility for people with disabilities using AAC. Netta Ben Zeev was a leading partner in the development of the policy and work methods for criminal and social welfare investigations utilizing AAC with SLP assistance. She created the AAC kit for these investigations. She was a member of the multi-disciplinary team that created and trained both the special investigators and the SLP’s with the new investigation methodology. Today Netta Ben Zeev is the Israeli supervisor of the SLP’s escorting investigations and testimonies in the criminal procedure using AAC.